Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fine By Mid-September

I once read something about the time it takes getting over a relationship is about half the lifespan of the relationship itself. Whether this is recommended, or an average, I can't remember. I know people who dated briefly, but the experience left them so devastated, it took a significantly much longer time to get back to their old self. Then, there are some people who are in long-term relationships, and immediately hop back in the dating saddle before the sheets get cold on their bed. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I don't think this will take years to get over. But it will certainly take more than a day or two. When you stop thinking in your typical, single way, and think more like the other half of a pair, it can be challenging to switch back. I still find myself reaching for the phone to drop a "Good morning, sunshine!" text.

But I will thank those brazen few who have offered to be my rebound. Way to take one for the team! It feels good to know that men still find me a desirable creature, especially when you just found out the guy you thought you would grow old with apparently didn't agree with that sentiment.

So, I give myself until September to clear the air. I may get it done before then. For now, I'm stuck with a work schedule that I created because we made summer plans. I found another canoe buddy for my canoe trip. The cruise is still full steam ahead.

Life goes on, and big things eventually become footnotes.

1 comment:

bobbie said...

Hugs ~

How was the Shakespeare play?