Friday, July 13, 2007

Blogger Meetup: July Edition

The July Meeting of The Kansas City Bloggers Who Occasionally Get Together To Drink Club*

July's Blogger Meet
Hosted by General Blather & My Spyderweb
Thursday July 26th at 5:00pm
All Import bottles $2
E Gregory Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64114

Hope to see everyone there. If not, you're a wiener.

"I'm just an attention whore here to feed my own ego. Thanks for stopping by, enabler."* *

*(I totally borrowed these from the brain of Cara...**and XO.)


"The D" said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! I know a blogger that lives right across the street from there!!!!

"The D" said...

HEY!! You already had a July meeting!

"The D" said...

And what is up with that phone number?

Xavier Onassis said...

D - you know someone who lives at SRO Video?!?


Good choice! I like The Stump (no homo).

I will also point out that two Raytown bloggers made the selfless choice to hold the next meet-up at a more central location.

I'm just sayin'.

Just be glad we aren't having this little get together at The Hangout.

It could happen.

"The D" said...

XO - i don't know what SRO video is and I don't want to know.

What's the Hangout? Is that the mens room? You know where all the peckers hangout.

Xavier Onassis said...

d - SRO Video is a movie rental place almost directly across the street from Gov. Stumpy's.

The Hangout is a sleazy little dive in Raytown.

Sassywho said...

Hey, I want to try to make this one before I'm back in the Ta for a few months.

Who's giving body shots tho?

Melinda said...

I'll think about it. Don't know if I can live with being a wiener.

Anonymous said...

It's on my calendar. :)

Faith said...

Ok, I can't be there until 6, but I know where Stumpy's is! And it's not far from where I live! And I'm so excited I'll be using exclamation points on every sentence I type/say until next Thursday! (Ok, not really...but I AM excited...)

You guys can still talk about me, too, even when I'm there. I'm vain enough for shit like that to work in my favor.

Well Hell Michelle said...

Eric and I will definitely stop by the blogger shindig. I didn't get to the last one, so I'll make up for it be drinking twice as much on Thursday :)

...JustCara said...

Wish I could be there but I'll be in Winnipeg. I'll make sure I can make it to the August one!