Sunday, February 07, 2010

New Shoes!

My nursing clogs finally gave up the ghost, with the assistance of Lucy. So, I went out and got a new pair of shoes. After talking with various nurses, I originally thought I would go to the MBT route. Sure, they are uglier than Nick Nolte after an all night binge, but I am willing to give up snappy looking for comfort. However, I balked at the price tag.

Then, Skechers came out with their version, with the price tag hanging around $100...which is much easier to swallow than $250+. So, I drug Mother to Kohls where I got my first pair (which would happe to be the ONLY shoe in the store that wasn't on sale). While there, I thought about the time that we went shopping there, and it immediately put me in a funk. Damn him!!


So, here are the new shoes. A little ugly, a little snappy. Usually, I only wear sneakers to the gym, but I'm willing to try this out and see how I like it. They are supposed to help your posture, improve joint pain, shape up your butt, etc. etc. All I know is that the first night I wore them, my gimpy knee protested having to walk normally for once. My hip may have offered some sympathy.


kate sweeten said...

You'll have to post an update of what you think of them after you wear them for awhile...I've debated getting a pair, but can't decide if they'd be worth it or not.

Unknown said...

It's great to have nice sneakers, but who cares when you find a pair that are comfy and make your butt look good. I'll take two.

Faith said...

I've been thinking of grabbing a pair of those, too, but I need new workout shoes more, and I don't think those are good for working out in. And I don't wear sneakers around much on a regular basis outside of the gym.

So I think I just talked myself out of them!

But you'll have to give us an update in a week or so, and let us know if your knee and hip got happier with them.

Beckle the Freckle said...

I think for MBT type shoes they are cute...I even have them on my wishlist to remind myself to buy them once I've saved up enough in my "Not-A-Piggy" bank. ;)Let me know if they're worth it!

Faith said...

I went to DSW today, and found those Sketchers for $100 there. So I picked up a pair. (Easier to justify since I couldn't find a pair of new workout shoes in my size. Dammit.) I'm looking forward to giving them a go!

bobbie said...

Have you tried Crocs???

GB, RN said...

I don't wear Crocs to work. Too slippery on wet surfaces.