Monday, February 13, 2006

Valentine Carnage!!

Mom and I went to Wally World after she got home from work. I typically try to avoid the Land of Sam during the peak hours of 4pm and 8pm for the sheer fact that everyone else goes there when they get off work. However, not everyone is fortunate to have my schedule, so I am forced to enter into mayhem because my mother works normal hours along with 75% of the Kansas City workforce.

We had to park in Kansas again then hike to the store. Inside, I think everyone who resides in the Northland could be found in the Valentine isles. Cards, chocolates, stuffed animals were flying off the shelves. Mom charged in like she her life depended on it. She had to buy stuff to hand out to some coworkers.

I could say that Valentine's Day sucks, but then I would sound bitter just because I am single and no one is going to lavish me with Russell Stover chocolates and some pink fuzzy gorilla on V-Day. I've never been a huge fan of V-Day, even when I was dating someone.

You should lavish your loved ones on more than just one day a year. My parents will give each other lovey-dovey cards just because. My stepdad has been known to stop his car on the side of the road to pick wildflowers just to take home to my mother. People shouldn't have to be reminded by Hallmark to tell people how much they love and appreciate them on one particular day. And the bastards at Hallmark shouldn't have the power to make anyone feel like a schmuck if they don't give their significant sweetie a card on February 14.

But I hope everyone has a Happy V-Day. I hope that single people don't feel inadequate, and that they don't need to be dating someone to feel validated. I hope everyone remembers to tell their loved ones "I love you" on February 15.

I hope they have the good chocolate marked down on Wednesday.

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