Saturday, June 02, 2007

Ecstacy and Agony

By the new Walmart, they have been building some new stuff. One building in particular caught my immediate attention. It was too small to be a restaurant, but it did have a drive-thru. Couldn't be a McDonalds because there was one that just opened up directly across the street from it. I suspected what it could have been, but I didn't want to chance to I just kept my thoughts to myself.

So, imagine my sheer delight when I drove by it on the way to work and that magical green sign was attached to the side. That beautiful green and white sign that got me so excited, I almost drove the PT into a ditch. Starbucks!!

It's not open yet, but it will be soon, and then I can stop for my favorite beverages before I come to work.

I've also been looking at Sam's post-haircut picture, and I have decided to invest in some clippers so I can try to shave off his turkeyneck. I can't bear to look at it anymore. I can't bear the look Sam gives me now. The one that says, "How could you?!?" He's already chewed up one slipper in retribution.

Nothing new to report. I'm tired and I can't wait to go home and go to bed.


Marti said...

I've been a horrible blogger of late. Haven't had time to post or visit! Trying to catch up a bit this morning, so I popped in to say hello.

Hope you have a great day!

"The D" said...

That pic of Sam is really creeping me out. If I had a dog that looked at me like I would seriously be fearing for my life.

He is totally plotting his revenge.

Don't be surprised is you wake up half eaten on morning.