I only met Greg Beck on two occasions, both blogger meetups, but I read his blog, Death's Door, religiously. He was truly one of the best bloggers of Kansas City, and easily the most recognizable both in words and appearance. His blog, a staple in any blogroll, was as part of Kansas City as BBQ and Boulevard Wheat. He never tried to be like anyone. If anything, people wanted to be like him.
I wish I could have gotten to talk to him more. It wasn't until tonight, when I read this, that I realized we had a ton of stuff in common. Even though we were not good friends, the fact that he is dead is devastating to me. I feel like a member of my family has just died.
Larger than life, kindness that new no limits, and a heart that held more love than it could handle, Greg Beck will be missed by friends, family, and the masses that read his blog daily. If you haven't read his blog, hustle over there and read it.
God's going to have his hands full with this angel. I can almost imagine it.
Godspeed, Greg.

Long time reader, first time commenter (actually started a google account so I could write).
Im gonna miss the big guy myself, and wanted to thank you for the 100 things link.
It's sometimes weird when someone you've only met a few times dies. There was a gentleman who was part of my local hacker community who passed away last year. His death, and the subsequent wake, led to my then-three month old son's first visit to a biker bar, where his friends, roughly 50-50 split between rough and tumble folks and geeks, gathered to remember him. He too suffered an apparent heart attack, but had the indignity of being found three days later.
I sit here weeping. I barely knew him and he was the main reason I went to the first blogger meet up. Now we have other reasons, just not as fun.
I had no idea. Never met in person, but he was very nice blogger. Sigh....may he rest in peace.
Thanks for the notification. Blessings to you.
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