Friday, May 05, 2006

A State of Extreme Relaxation

Yesterday, I was supposed to Garden with Paul, which sort of sounds like a show you would find on public television. Last year, he never got the dirt tilled in his yard, so we had no fresh tomatoes for fresh garden salsa. This year, I altered my tactics and started nagging a whole three months early.

The dirt has been tilled (or so I am told), some tomato plants of differing varieties have been purchased. All that needs to be done now is to plant the damn things. The plan was to do it yesterday afternoon, but in grand form, he called and begged out. To his defense, however, he just finished working a three-shift stretch and was tired. I can relate...I'm pretty worthless on Mondays, which is why I consider it my Recovery Day.

My Thursday night wide open, I called a massage therapist friend and asked if his offer for free massage was still on the table. God Bless him, it was! So, I announced to the world that I was going to get a massage, and drove out to Independence (it pays to have all kinds of friends who know how to do all kinds of things).

I've had 3 massages in my life. One being in Roatan at a lovely dayspa that was owned by a former nurse practitioner. One being at some spa in Liberty by a guy who damn near dislocated my knee, and the third on a beach in Costa Maya, which really shouldn't count because it wasn't a true massage...but give enough people free alcohol, and they will think anything is top notch.

After my delicious massage by masterful hands, and managed to float out to my car and navigate home, feeling like my entire body consisted of jello sans the carrot shavings. The sounds of that relaxation music still echoing in my ears (a pan flute and running water), the smell of some oil that smells like something organic still on my skin and wafting in my nose.

I should pamper myself more. I might not be so bitchy if I did so. I work the next 3 nights, so hopefully I will be in such a relaxed state, that I won't be easily annoyed. However, I know the first time I have to move someone in excess of 400lbs, I'm going to undo everything that my friend did...I will have no choice but to have another massage next week.

Which really doesn't sound like a bad idea.

On another note, I've decided to be more proactive in my getting in shape. My cruise is 8 months away, and I am in no condition to be seen in a bathing suit. I need a Body for the Beach, instead of a Body for the Buffet. I've been considering starting up with the Hot Yoga again, and maybe trying to get back into we shall see how it works out.

I need to have an affair with the treadmill. Tomorrow morning I shall go flirt with it and see what kind of response I get.


Xavier Onassis said...

I have the body of a GOD!!

Buddah is a God!

Look it up!

Maybe if you quit riding your boyfriends ass about the tomatos, HE'D give you a massage. One with a Happy Finish.

Just a thought.

I'll shut up and go away now.

GB, RN said...

Who ever said he was my boyfriend?

Maybe if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't be as bitchy either...

...Just a thought.