Friday, March 07, 2008

Funtimes and Fungi

I woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow. Snow! This is what happens when I don't watch local news. I get surprised with snow when I wake up.

I spoke with Indy who reports steady snowfall in the land of Milk and Honey (i.e. Johnson County). M&M also reports a steady snowfall downtown.

It's long since stopped snowing here.

I'm tired of winter. Winter sucks. The only upside to a harsh winter might be a bumper crop of morels this season. I suck at finding morels, but Brother can't go anywhere without tripping on a dozen of them. So, he is my designated mushroom hunter.

Mom and Mr. Recommendation came over last night for dinner. I prepared pork chops smothered in mushroom gravy, fresh asparagus, rolls, and rice. The real rice and not that instant stuff. Mom and Mr. Recommendation have been rocking the lunch meat sandwiches since they moved in (and are in the process of remodeling the kitchen), and I figured they might like a hot meal. They were.

It wasn't until after dinner that I noticed that Mom was wearing her slippers.

"It's not everyday you get to go out to eat and still wear your slippers."

So now, I'm going to go back to bed and take a nap before work festivities begin. I hope this weekend doesn't suck.


Faith said...

You can find morels around here? Holy crap...I'm gonna start lookin' this year!

The snow surprised me too. Leo somehow knew about it before I did (being the news weather junkie that I am, I usually tell everyone else what's being predicted to happen), but I'm glad to see it wound up only being a dusting. Even though it's MARCH, and this needs to FUCKING STOP ALREADY!

Spyder said...

Hope you have a boring night, nice & quiet, no one dying.

Donna. W said...

The wooded areas of our 43 acres teem with morels in a good year. Unfortunately, the neighbor and all his relatives sneak back there and get them before I do. I even take pictures of them there; they laugh.